Information about Minix1.bio.umass.edu

revised 16 February 2005

Minix1.bio.umass.edu runs Minix 2.0.2. Its availability (as turing.oit.umass.edu) was announced on December 30, 1999. It is located in the Department of Biology, School of Natural Science and Mathematics, University of Massachusetts at Amherst.

The web pages and public download directories are synchronized regularly with those on minix1.hampshire.edu.

The configuration of Minix1.bio.umass.edu is more-or-less equivalent to that of Minix1.hampshire.edu. Both are Pentium systems, this one's CPU runs at 133 Mhz. For additional information see the Minix1 configuration page.

Observed performance as servers may not be identical. Hampshire College has a connection to the Internet via the University of Massachusetts, but it also has an independent alternative connection. Also, patterns of network usage are different at the two sites. Hampshire College is an undergraduate college, and network usage is very high at some times of the day and periods of the academic year, and low at others. The Minix1 mirror at the University of Massachusetts is on a network shared with researchers in the Department of Biology and the Department of Geosciences, who may wait until the undergraduates are asleep or away before transferring large blocks of data.

So, YMMV (your mileage may vary).


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