Mined Version 2 -- modified version of the Mined editor Will Rose cwr@cts.com posted Jan 1999 This is a modified version of the Mined editor distributed with Minix; it uses two-level menus, rather than the single control codes of the standard Mined, and is set up to emulate (roughly) the old Wordstar command set. Configuration is relatively easy, and could with a bit of extra work be done on the fly. The editor also supports multiple files on the command line (useful when splitting and recombining files too large to fit in the program's edit buffer), and a limited set of macros. See 'mined.hlp' for a full set of commands, and minedkey.h for the built-in configuration. Installation is just a matter of typing 'make' in the appropriate directory, putting the mined binary (linked to 'minvw' if required) on the path, and putting the help file 'mined.help' in /usr/lib. The tst_scr.c code is a simple test of the screen control codes used by mined. It's useful mainly for debugging. The code was developed under Minix 1.3 onwards, but no longer runs on anything except Minix 2.0; to run it under 1.5 the code using varags.h and the tty mode-setting code would have to be replaced with the originals. On the other hand, it's a bit more portable than the old code; I've isolated the system dependencies with #if (OS == ...) defines, and a lot of the debugging was done under OS/2. Will Rose cwr@cts.com (rev 2002-12-01)