Minix Course Web Sites
modified: 13 Feb 2007
For MINIX 3 go to
(Minix 3 released Oct 2005)
In searching the web for references to Minix I have often come upon
references to websites which were created to support teaching
university level operating systems courses. I add links to this page as
I find them. I would appreciate receiving e-mail from anyone who has
created such a site or who can recommend such a site.
As I tried to verify these links in January 2005, I found many of them
could not be reached. I decided to keep all references on-line anyway,
as some of the problems may be temporary. Some links below are to
archive sites. I would appreciate any help anyone reading this can
give me in updating this information. See the note at the bottom of
the page about finding lost pages.
Minix course links
These are listed more-or-less in oldest to newest order, but the dates when
a particular course was taught are not always determinable from the online
Drexel University, MCS 370, Steve Hartley, Operating Systems, Online Material, 1996.
[Link is to Wayback Machine archive].
Bradley Kuszmaul's site at Yale University
describes using Minix 2.0 on the Bochs emulator.
[Link is to Wayback Machine archive].
Dickinson College, Grant Braught, Computer Science 354, Operating
Systems, Fall Semester 1997:
Paul Ashton's Sun Minix (SMX) site has, in addition to patches for the
original SMX 2.0 release, several Technical Reports on techniques used
in teaching:
mirror of this site is available
here. Documents here were written between 1993 and 1999.
ECS 150, Operating Systems, Spring Quarter, 1999.
Matt Bishop, Department of Computer Science, UC Davis
ECS 150, Operating Systems, Winter Quarter, 2000.
Matt Bishop, Department of Computer Science, UC Davis
The University of Western Australia, Computer Operating Systems 214:
(last update July 2000)
MCS 470/725, Operating Systems Workshop (notes in English, apparently
from a Russian University, updated in November 2000):
CSci 350: Operating Systems, Fall 2001. Carl Burch, Saint John's
University, Collegeville MN USA:
The handout on
Intel X86 Assembly Language in Minix
may be of particular interest. Please note the author's copyright.
CSCE 351, Operating System Kernels, Fall 2001. Prof. Steve Goddard,
University of Nebraska, Lincoln NE:
University of Iowa, 22C:50 Intro to Systems Programming Fall 2002:
[Link is to Wayback Machine archive].
Installing Bochs
(apparently written 2002 or earlier). This page was not accessible in April
[Link is to Wayback Machine archive].
Venkata Mahadevan's pages describe a course project to port Minix to a
handheld computer:
(apparently last updated in 2002)
[Link is to Wayback Machine archive].
CMPS 431, Operating Systems, Spring 2002.
Jim Howatt, Southeastern Louisiana University,
[Link is to Wayback Machine archive]. (See also
Operating System Projects -- Minix Revisited
pdf document).
CS551, Operating Systems Design and Implementation, Summer 2002, En Hsin Huang,
Illinois Institute of Technology.
COSI 410, Operating Systems, Fall 2002.
Valerie Chu, LeMoyne-Owen College (Memphis TN, USA)
CSE 403, Advanced Operating Systems, Spring 2003.
Terrance Boult, Lehigh University.
[Link is to Wayback Machine archive].
Operating Systems, Fall 2003 (?).
Jonathan Bredin, Colorado College.
[Link is to Wayback Machine archive].
Bochs Platform Simulator Information:
Not a course page, but useful reference on Bochs from the
University of Colorado Computer Architecture Research group.
Taylor University, Dr. Stefan Brandle, COS 421 - Operating Systems
(Spring 2003):
CSC 453, Introduction to Operating Systems, Spring 2003.
Jim Beug, Computer Science Department.
California Polytechnic State University:
CS 326, Operating Systems, Fall 2003.
Greg Benson, Department of Computer Science, University of San Francisco
ECS 150, Operating Systems, Fall 2003.
TA Website, Eric Bergstrom and Sophie Engle.
Department of Computer Science, UC Davis
ecs150 Operating Systems, Fall 2004.
S. Felix Wu, University of California, Davis.
CSCI 314: Operating Systems, Fall 2004.
Jeff Parker, Middlebury College
ICS 612, Operating Systems, Fall 2004.
Prof. Edo Biagoni, Department of Information and Computer Sciences,
University of Hawaii at Manoa.
This course was based on Minix 2. A similar course using Minix 3 is being
taught in Spring 2007, and is listed below.
Sistemas Operativos, 2005 (Spanish).
Pablo Pessolani, Departamento de Sistemas de Informacion, Facultad Regional
Santa Fe, Universidad Tecnologica Nacional, Argentina
CS 4520 -- CS 5520, Operating Systems, Section 101, Spring, 2005.
Dr. Edward Pekarek, Appalachian State University:
Operating Systems Practicum, 2005. Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam
Operating Systems, Spring 2005.
Maarten van Steen, Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam
COMP342 Minix Resources, March 2005.
Kate Krastev and Mike Johnson, Macquarie University (Sydney, Australia)
CS460 Operating Systems and Computer Architecture, Spring 2005.
K. C. Wang, School of Electrical Engineering, Washington State University
(Pullman, WA, USA)
Computer Science 170, Summer 2005.
Kevin O'Gorman, Department of Computer Science, UCSB, Santa Barbara, CA
(Uses Silberschatz et al text, but labs use Minix).
University of Patras (Greece), Department of Computer Science and Informatics,
Spring 2006.
Constantine Menychtas has posted several pages with information on installing
Minix 2.0.0 on Qemu for use in a teaching lab.
There are an installer package,
and HowTo documents for Windows
and for GNU/Linux,
The installers include the system emulator QEMU 0.80 and
a virtual disk image with Minix 2.0.0 preinstalled. The Windows edition of
the installer also includes DiskExplorer, the software used for file
transfers from Windows to Minix and vise versa.
COEN 177, Operating Systems, Santa Clara University, Winter 2006.
Prof. John Noll.
COMP 342, Operating Systems, 2006, MacQuarie University, Sydney, Australia.
Mike Johnson and Len Hamey.
CMPS 111, Introduction to Operating Systems, Spring 2006, UC Santa Cruz.
Prof. Ethan Miller and Prof. Darrell Long.
Projects use Minix 3.
CS 160-0, Operating Systems, Spring 2006, Drake University.
Michael Rieck.
CIS 400, Introduction to Computer Security, Fall 2006.
Professor Wenliang (Kevin) Du,
Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Syracuse University.
Minix 3 is used for projects.
CIS/CSE 758, Internet Security, Fall 2006. Professor Wenliang (Kevin) Du,
Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Syracuse University.
Minix 3 is used for projects.
ICS 612, Operating Systems, Spring 2007.
Prof. Edo Biagoni, Department of Information and Computer Sciences,
University of Hawaii at Manoa.
This course is based on Minix 3. A similar course that used Minix 2 was taught
in Fall 2004, and is listed above.
CIS/CSE 785, Computer Security, Spring 2007. Professor Wenliang (Kevin) Du,
Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Syracuse University.
Minix 3 is used for projects.
Finding lost web pages
Web pages may change, or move, or be removed. But often the content of
a "lost" page can still be found on the web. Two ways to hunt for such
pages are the Google cache and the Wayback Machine. More info on these
can be found in an article on
Web Archives: Finding Lost Sites and Pages.
Archiving services are very busy. There may be a time lag between when a site disappears from visibility on the
World Wide Web and when it can be found in an archive. That's one of the reasons I have kept some items in the list above even though I was not able to
reach them when I did my last review.
Course-related material often appears on a web site identified with a
particular professor. Sometimes a new person may take over teaching a
standard course and the material will then reappear with a new web address.
Please inform me if you recognize a case where this has happened.
Also, if you recognize one of your colleagues or a former
professor as the author of a page which can no longer be reached, I would
appreciate your bringing my site to the attention of the author of the
now-inaccessible page. Some of the material created to aid in teaching may
be very useful to others, and it would be a shame for it to disappear
forever. I am willing to consider hosting a mirror of material that might
otherwise disappear from the web. Contact me at the address below.
All material on this site not otherwise attributed is copyright
©1994-2007 Albert S. Woodhull
Click here for
information on copying and other use.
Mail comments on this page to: Al Woodhull