lynx-bug.txt Bug fix for lynx 2.7.1 Minix port 28 September 2003 Claudio Tantignone (notes by ASW 3 Oct 2003) The port of lynx 2.7.1 to Minix as posted here some time ago seems to have a bug. The 'D'ownload command should download a file as binary but it doesn't do this correctly: a couple of lines of html are prepended to the downloaded file. It's not an insurmountable problem, if you are willing to open up the binary download in a text editor you can delete the extra lines (this works with elle, other editors might not be happy to be asked to open a large binary file). But it would be better to fix the behavior of lynx. Claudio provided the lynx-bug.tar.Z file posted here. He wrote: "I believe that it is a compilation bug at lynx and the patch simply modifies the comparison and allows you to download the files as binary and not as text. "I tested 2.8.4 and I had the same problem at the same code. I have now 2.8.5 at home and ... I will try to compile and post the last version." The file includes a Readme, a modified HTMIME.c source and a compiled lynx binary. The binary did work on my Minix 2.0.3 system. Compiling lynx on a stock Minix 2.0.3 system requires chmem to several compiler components and I haven't had a chance to actually apply the patch and recompile. In the interim I decided to post this now. ASW 3 Oct 2003 Hello, replace HTMIME.c in your path and recompile lynx. It is located at WWW/Library/Implementation directory under the mail lynx directory where you open the tar file. I found that when lynx is decoding the http header fails in different tags like Content-Type that for compressed files is compress, and defaults to text/html that is like standard text. The line (1027) with problem was changed from if (!(*me->check_pointer)) to if (strlen(me->check_pointer) == 0) where the loop goes to the ok identification of the parse. I tried a quick compilation of version 2.8.4 and have the same code. I believe that this is a bug for the Minix compiler. By the way, some tests I did work downloading ok the .Z files. Give it a try and let me know. I can repost lynx and also modified the new version to post. I am sending the source file an a lynx executable file. Regards, Claudio Tantignone