gzip-133.txt -- GNU zip 1.3.3 for Minix posted March 2003 ported by Claudio Tantignone Complete package to download is gzip-133.tar.Z Note added by ASW 2005-02-15: although the notes below indicate bash is needed, I found that copying /usr/bin/ash to /usr/local/bin/bash provided the support necessary to compile the gzip package. I did not have to chmem bash from its default memory allocation. gzip 1.3.3 for Minix ==================== The Makefile is ready to compile gzip under your environment. It was configured like ./configure CC=cc CFLAGS="-wa -i -m -D_MINIX -D_POSIX_SOURCE" -LDFLAGS="-s -i -stack 256k" (be sure to be all in the same line) You need bash because configures find it and use it for instalation. Also check that bash have sufficient memory with the size command. I configured the following and works text data bss stack memory 258832 90712 12096 327676 689316 /usr/local/bin/bash I was running gzip version 1.2.4 with stack size of 256k without problems. Check the output files when you use gzip. This gzip version is near end to be beta, use at your own risk. I had a special version of ls but configure also needs the standard ls command that comes with minix in /usr/bin. Check which ls are you running with the command # which ls This source code is basically the same you can download from GNU site. The only change is that some sources have compilation errors that there are not type identifiers. I added the #include before the unistd.h include and everything works. Enjoy! Claudio.