slip-06.txt 16.10.97 This is Claudio Tantignone's SLIP package for standard Minix. With this version 0.6 it should compile on a 16-bit Minix installation as well as on a 32-bit one. This package replaces the ethernet driver in the kernel with a pseudo-ethernet driver which supports the Serial Line Interface Protocol. So you can still only be attached through one network interface, but it can now be via a serial line or modem. It is possible to compile support for both ethernet and slip together and use a single kernel, selecting the interface to use at boot time. If you want to change networks you will have to reboot, however. Read the HISTORY file for information about changes. Please read carefully the slip.doc file into the package, I tried to add all the information you need to start slip in your system. If you have problems, please let me know, to solve it and enhance the code. Also, I hope to have feedback from users on 16 bits systems. Claudio Tantignone. (home) (work)